Tres de Espadas / III of Swords

III of Swords by Susan Matthews

Susan Matthews

Watercolor and acrylic on paper

5.5 x 9.5 inches


Be careful of holes in your clothes

You could fall into

someone’s forgotten habits

The prologue of her selfie

turns background to her commentary

She gave the shirt 

off her back full of holes 

the printmaker designed 

Don’t kiss in the bar after blue drinks

Hell is your hangover


She said she would always be single

on Instagram

The gap in her front teeth 

means she’s a dom

And even if you’re occasional bottom

don’t expect her to text back 

just cuz you fell in love 

Don’t hold on to any clothes with stains

after she brought pomegranates over

from her garden 

that leaked on your 

I texted 

And you texted 

We aren’t on the same page

Never got better than that

I don’t like pomegranates anymore

Poem by Paul flores