Online Gallery
Sales inquiries will be managed between buyer and artists, and overseen by Baldocchi Projects. All sales of artwork are processed directly with artists. For any further questions, please contact Reneé Baldocchi.
Instructions for purchase:
Scroll through the works organized by arcana.
Click the “VIEW” button to see the artwork.
Click “INQUIRE” on the artwork webpage to reveal the email address to contact the artists for purchase.
Buyers can pick up artwork from 447 Minna on:
Monday and Tuesday, April 17 and 18.
If you are unable to pick up the work at those times, shipping arrangements should be made directly with the artist.
Tarot Cards
Major Arcana|0-XI
El Loco / The Fool
art by Tania Esmeralda Padilla
poem by Anaís Azul
El Mago / The Magician
art by Hugh D´Andrade
poem by Jack Hirschman
La Sacerdotisa / The High Priestess
art by José Antonio Galloso
poem by Kim Shuck
La Emperatriz / The Empress
art by Malik Seneferu
poem by Jahan Khalighi
El Emperador / The Emperor
art by Malik Seneferu
poem by Adrian Arias
El Sumo Sacerdote / The Hierophant
art by José Antonio Galloso
poem by Guillermo Gomez Peña
Lxs Enamoradxs / The Lovers
art by Cece Carpio
poem by Kim Shuck
El Carro / The Chariot
art by Ytaelena López
poem by Kim Shuck
La Fuerza / Strength
art by Susan Matthews
poem by Lisbit Bailey
El Ermitaño / The Hermit
art by Kim Shuck
poem by Pancho Pescador
La Rueda de la Fortuna / Wheel of Fortune
art by Nancy Hom
poem by Nina Serrano
La Justicia / Justice
art by Mara Lea Brown
poem by Tureeda Mikell, Story Medicine Woman
Major Arcana|XII-XXI
Persona Colgada/The Hanged Person
art by Emma Brown
poem by Maw Shein Win
La Muerte / Death
art by Adrián Arias
poem by Michael Warr
La Templanza / Temperance
art by Tania Esmeralda Padilla
poem by Jenna Frisch
El Diablo / The Devil
art by Cece Carpio
poem by Kim Shuck
La Torre / The Tower
art by Mara Lea Brown
poem by Bobby Coleman
La Estrella / The Star
art by Willow Brown
poem by Virginia Barrett
La Luna / The Moon
art by Nancy Hom
poem by devorah major
El Sol / The Sun
art by Susan Matthews
poem by Kim Shuck
El Juicio / Judgment
art by Susana Aragón
poem by Anaís Azul
El Mundo / The World
art by Allison Snopek
poem by Mark Eisner
As de Copas / Ace of Cups
art by Nancy Hom
poem by Kim Shuck
Dos de Copas / II of Cups
art by Pancho Pescador
poem by Jodie Kleeman and Guillermo Galindo
Tres de Copas / III of Cups
art by Allison Snopek
poem by Kata Miletic
Quatro de Copas / IV Cups
art by Allison Snopek
poem by Alejandro Murguia
Cinco de Copas / V of Cups
art by Ytaelena López
poem by Karen Melander Magoon
Seis de Copas / VI of Cups
art by Cece Carpio
poem by Mark Eisner (with a hand from William Blake)
Siete de Copas / VII of Cups
art by Susana Aragon
poem by Jodie Kleeman
Ocho de Copas / VIII of Cups
art by Karin Turner
poem by Wanda Sabir
Nueve de Copas / IX of Cups
art by Marissa Arterberry
poem by Mahnaz Badihian
Diez de Copas / X of Cups
art by Ytaelena Lopez
poem by Rafael Jesús Gonzalez
Sota de Copas / Page of Cups
art by Cece Carpio
poem by Virginia Barrett
Caballero de Copas / Knight of Cups
art by Pancho Pescador
poem by Jahan Khalighi
Reina de Copas / Queen of Cups
art by Allison Snopek
poem by Naomi Quiñonez
Rey de Copas / King of Cups
art and poem by Mimi Cezanne Stoll
1 2
Adrián Arias
Agneta Falk
Alejandro Murguía
Allison Snopek
Anaís Azul
Anna Lisa Escobedo
Arisa White
Ayodele Nzinga
Bobby Coleman
Brett Cook
Cece Carpio
Chun Yu
Danica Conneely
Daria Halprin
devorah major
Emma Brown
gal*in_dog aka Guillermo Galindo
Guillermo Gómez-Peña
Hugh D'Andrade
Jack Hirschman
Jahan Khalighi
Janice Mirikitani
Jenna Frisch
Jennifer Barone
Jodie Kleeman
John Curl
José Antonio Galloso
Justin Hoover
KaliMa Amilak
Karen Melander-Magoon
Karin Turner
Kata Miletich
Keith Hennessy
Kim Shuck
Kristi Williamson
Lisbit Bailey
Mahnaz Badihian
Malik Seneferu
Mara Lea Brown
Marissa Arterberry
Mark Eisner
Maw Shein Win
Michael Warr
Mimi Cézanne Stoll
MK Chavez
Nancy Hom
Naomi Quiñonez
Nina Serrano
Pancho Pescador
Paul S. Flores
Robert Wyald
Rafael Jesús González
Rupa Marya
Susana Aragón
Susan Matthews
Tania Esmeralda Padilla
Tureeda Mikell
Virginia Barrett
Wanda Sabir
Willow Brown
Yolanda López
Ytaelena López